ATD's Exclusive Interview With Stef - Part I
ATD: Are there things that you regret about being famous and/or
things that have happened that you could have imagined fame to bring?
Stef: no, i don't consider myself famous or anything like that,
i'm just me.
ATD: Do you believe in god?
Stef: no.
ATD: Do you want a family someday?
Stef: maybe, i don't picture myself with one, but i don't know, i'm just
trying to have living today and planning for a better tommorow.
ATD: What do you think of the media, more specifically,
the American media?
Stef: i think it has it's good points and it's bad points. it's good cause
alot of people look to it for information and updates of what might be
happening somewhere or with someone or something.
it also sucks because of those same reasons. media does not respect
any individual rights of anyone anywhere. all media wants to know
information about other peoples lives so that they can show it on tv for
people to watch, which translates to money in there pocket through
advertising and air time for sale. not only that, but it sucks for one
main reason, the media shows you what it wants you to see, not just
what's going on with people and how many good and positive things are
happening around the world, and that goes for all types of media,
magazines, tv, newspapers, all of it. people need to start learning how
to leave other people alone to do there thing no matter how much they
(media) don't understand it. basically what i'm trying to say is... i
like media, but i hate it cause it isn't something real, it's just
something for someone to make alot of money and it really doesn't care
about the people.
ATD: Who do you think is the all-around, most influential
person of the twentieth century?
Stef: i don't know, but the only person it should be is, yourself.
have selfconfidence all the time and you'll make things happen for
yourself, not matter how many things may try to bring you down.
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